We specialize in treating a range of mental health conditions and our number one priority is to bring happiness and well-being to our patients' lives by restoring their mental balance.
We want to help you break free from old habits, developing healthy coping skills and finding new ways to respond to life's challenging situations. We provide individual therapy, treatment plans, skill training, and other services.

For additional treatment services not mentioned here, please feel free to contact us.



Medical conditions that Insight Guidance Group treats:


Anxiety Disorders

  • Severe Stress
  • Anxiety Disorder
  • Panic Disorder
  • Social Phobia
  • Separation Anxiety Disorder of Childhood
  • Attachment Disorder of Childhood
  • Adjustment Disorder
  • Agoraphobia
  • Natural Environment Type Phobia
  • Selective Mutism


Mood Disorders

  • Depressive Disorders
  • Intermittent Explosive Disorder
  • Mood Disorders
  • Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder
  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Persistent Mood Disorder
  • Cyclothymic Disorder


Personality Disorders

  • Bipolar Disorder
  • Schizophrenia
  • Schizoaffective Disorder
  • Schizotypal Disorder
  • Mixed Obsessional Thoughts and Acts
  • Paranoid Personality Disorder
  • Dependent Personality Disorder
  • Oppositional Defiant Disorder
  • Conduct Disorder
  • Antisocial Personality Disorder
  • Delusional Disorders
  • Mental Disorders
  • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Dissociative Idenity Disorder
  • Schizoid Personality Disorder
  • Disinhibited Attachment Disorder
  • Personal history of self-harm
  • Depersonalization-Derealization Syndrome


Psychotic Disorders

  • Psychotic Disorder w/hallucinations due to known physiological condition
  • Somatoform
  • Dysthymic Psychosis


Post-Traumatic Stress Disorders

  • Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)
  • Personal history of psychological trauma



At Insight Guidance Group, we understand that suffering from a depressive disorder can have a devastating impact on a person’s life, so we provide specialized programming designed to meet the sensitive needs of these individuals. With a clear focus on client care and patient safety, our goal is to provide compassionate, individualized, comprehensive, and high quality care and treatment for individuals who are struggling with psychiatric concerns, chemical dependency issues, or co-occurring disorders. At Insight Guidance Group, we aim to promote each individual’s mental, emotional, and social wellness by utilizing proven therapeutic techniques and providing a safe and structured treatment environment that is conducive to true healing. You do not have to look far for help. The staff at Insight Guidance Group is here for you.



Living with chronic anxiety can be extremely overwhelming and often prevents sufferers from completing daily tasks. Characterized by unrelenting feelings of worry, fear, and apprehension and a lack of control over these feelings, intense anxiety can also impact how a person performs at school, work, home, or out in public. One of the most common mental health conditions diagnosed, generalized anxiety disorder effects millions of people of all ages. With symptoms that can cause panic, obsessive compulsions, and intrusive thoughts, untreated anxiety can lead a person to develop avoidant behaviors or neurotic rituals in order to temporarily alleviate his or her anxiety.

Insight Guidance Group is dedicated to improving the lives of our patients by offering compassionate, individualized, comprehensive, and high quality care. Understanding that the symptoms of anxiety can be debilitating, we strive to enhance patients’ mental, emotional, and social wellness by utilizing proven, evidenced-based treatment modalities to alleviate symptoms and arm patients with tools to be successful in recovery. With attention paid to patient care and safety, programs are set in a secure, structured, and therapeutic environment away from the stress of everyday life. So if you or a loved one is seeking treatment for anxiety, or another mental health condition look no further than Insight Guidance Group, we are here to help.

Bipolar Disorder 

Bipolar disorder is a mental health disorder that is characterized by extreme shifts in mood, as well as fluctuations in energy and activity levels. When an individual is experiencing these abnormal shifts in moods, he or she will find it extremely difficult to function on a daily basis. This serious mental illness can destroy relationships with friends and family, prevent the ability to hold down a job, and make it hard to succeed in school. Bipolar is a life-long disorder that requires psychiatric support from qualified mental health professionals in order to be properly managed, allowing for a brighter future.

Insight Guidance Group customizes treatment plans to help adolescents and adults suffering from Bipolar Disorder. We recognize that the constant emotional ups and downs can be exhausting, both mentally and physically. You do not have to continue to battle the symptoms of bipolar disorder alone. The compassionate staff at Insight Guidance Group can help.

Post Traumatic Stress 

PTSD is triggered by experiencing, witnessing, or learning about a traumatic event, post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), is a mental health condition where an individual suffers from pervasive feelings of tremendous emotional distress. With symptoms such as nightmares, flashbacks, and disturbing memories, PTSD can impair a person’s functioning in many ways. Some individuals experience these symptoms immediately after the trauma, while others will not notice signs until long after the trauma occurred. Regardless of symptom onset, the effects of living with post-traumatic stress disorder can be shattering to a person and lead to the development of other mental illnesses, substance use, or even attempts to end one’s own life if treatment is not sought.

At Insight Guidance Group, we understand the agony of living with post-traumatic stress disorder and aim to restore an individual’s functioning to what it was before the traumatic event. With specialized programming designed to meet the needs of patients with PTSD, our goal is to help alleviate the damaging symptoms of this debilitating disorder and instill skills that will ensure recovery. Our focus is on client care and safety while implementing comprehensive, compassionate, individualized, and high-quality care for those suffering. At Insight Guidance Group, we utilize proven, evidence-based techniques and encourage each patient’s social, emotional, and mental wellness in a structured treatment environment that is beneficial to recovery. Look no further for help, Insight Guidance Group is where healing begins.